Friday, October 17, 2008

uhhhh cool

Thursday, October 16, 2008

do now

I will peocces my time doing the jornal by doing it for homework or like wen ever i have time free like during class or when it's during tech. i will try to finish it before 10-29-08 so i can do the power point early.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do now

 Is unethical because she is writing back to them or there enemies. The way to fix it is just to ignore the enemies or the bad people and just don't accept them in your myspace or in any other blog.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

do now

i will give my self a 70-85 on my process journal becouse i did not do some of the stuff 


Jules did the wrong thing because he/she left the blog open and should of closed it because somebody might get into your blog and mess everything up. Trish did the wrong thing becouse he should of loged of the other persons blog and should not have done what he did.